Was Jesus actually glowing on the mountain with Moses and Elijah?
Here's the answer:

Yes, Jesus was actually glowing on the mountain with Moses and Elijah. The Bible says His face shone like the sun!
During Jesus’ ministry, He took Peter, James, and John with Him to a mountain. On the mountain, Jesus was transfigured before them. This means Peter, James, and John saw a glimpse of Jesus’ glory. Jesus’ face, body, and clothes started glowing and became a dazzling white color. It was amazing!
While Jesus was glowing, Moses and Elijah also appeared. The Father also spoke from heaven saying “This is my Son, and I love him. I am very pleased with him. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5b). Peter, James, and John were terrified at the sound of the voice. They fell to the ground and covered their ears and eyes.
The next thing they knew, Jesus was pulling them up to their feet. He told them not to be afraid. The loud voice from the cloud didn’t speak again. Moses and Elijah were gone. When they walked down the mountain, Jesus told Peter, James, and John not to tell anyone what they had seen until He had arisen from the dead.

Bible Truth
“There in front of them his appearance was changed. His face shone like the sun. His clothes became as white as the light. Just then Moses and Elijah appeared in front of them. Moses and Elijah were talking with Jesus” (Matthew 17:2-3).
“But Jesus came and touched them. ‘Get up,’ he said. ‘Don’t be afraid.’ When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus” (Matthew 17:7-8).
“They came down the mountain. On the way down, Jesus told them what to do. ‘Don’t tell anyone what you have seen,’ he said. ‘Wait until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead’” (Matthew 17:9).