What if my friends turn on a show I’m not allowed to watch?

Here's the answer:

Explain and then ask to do something else.

If your parents have instructed you not to watch a certain show, then God wants you to be obedient. If your friends start watching that show on TV or the internet, what do you do? Start by telling your friends that you can’t watch the show with them. Request that you watch something else together. You might even have the opportunity to share with your friends why your parents don’t let you watch the show. This will help them make better choices too.

If your friends don’t change the channel, go to another room or ask to go home. Sometimes if you suggest to play a game instead, your friends will want to do that activity instead!

Bible Truth

"I won’t look at anything that is evil and call it good. I hate the acts of people who aren’t faithful to you. I won’t have anything to do with those things. I will stay away from those whose hearts are twisted. I won’t have anything to do with what is evil" (Psalm 101:3–4).