How can I get closer to God?
Here's the answer:

You can get closer to God by turning from sin and trusting Jesus!
Because God is holy (perfect and without sin), He stays separate from sinners. Because we're all sinners, we can't get closer to God on our own. We all deserve to die for our sin in an eternal place of punishment away from God.
But because God loves us, He sent His perfect Son Jesus to take the punishment for believing sinners by dying on the cross. God can help sinners turn from sin and trust Jesus to pay for their sin and make them holy in God's sight.
If Jesus has saved you, you are God's own child and you will one day live forever close to Him in heaven. Before that time, God will help you get closer in knowing and loving Him as you trust and obey His Word, the Bible. God uses your Bible reading, listening in church, and prayer to draw you closer and closer to Him.

Bible Truth
"Christ died for sins once and for all time. The One who did what is right died for those who don't do right. He died to bring you to God. His body was put to death. But the Holy Spirit brought him back to life" (1 Peter 3:18).
"Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Make your hearts pure, you who can't make up your minds" (James 4:8).