Why should I pray if God already has a plan for me?
Here's the answer:

Our prayers do make a difference!
Why should we pray? Well, the most important reason is because God tells us to. We don’t pray because God doesn’t know our needs. We pray because we care about the work God wants to do in us, and we know we can’t do it alone.
People worry a lot more than they pray. God tells us that instead of worrying, we should be talking to Him. Jesus told us that worrying doesn’t add anything to our lives. And God makes it clear that often we haven’t seen God work because we haven’t asked Him to work. We must pray and ask God what work He wants to do in us.
When we pray, it should be because we want God’s plans for us. God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah to the people of Israel. God told them that He had a plan for them, but they wouldn’t find it if they weren’t looking. Sometimes people wonder why God isn’t working in their lives—but God’s waiting for them to ask Him to!
God has plans for you! And He can make them happen without you ever asking. But God wants you to ask! He wants you to care and to do everything you can to live more for Him each and every day. So don’t worry about your problems. Pray about them and watch God work in your life!

Bible Truth
"You don’t have what you want, because you don’t ask God" (James 4:2).
"Can you add even one hour to your life by worrying?" (Matthew 6:27).
"'I know the plans I have for you,' announces the LORD...'You will come and pray to me. And I will listen to you. When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me'" (Jeremiah 29:11–13).